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Alternative to Nova Launcher

As the title states, I have used Nova launcher for years. As it is the most feature rich, most customizable launcher that supports basically everything I could need from it. However I am looking to switch away from it.

What launchers are you all using?

I have tried a handful of them and none quite fit the bill. And one feature nova has but no other launcher seems to is invaluable to me; that feature being able to swipe up or down on an app on the home screen to launch another app or task. It's how I keep my main page from being cluttered.

I have tried Neo Launcher which I love, but it doesn't seem to be updated anymore.

I have also tried:

So the only option I am feeling is gonna work is Nova but I am trying to ditch as many closed source, data thieving apps and services as possible.

I could however just use AFWall+ to block internet connection.

Any suggestions?

  • I always go back to Kiss Launcher after trying other launchers. With a huge amount of apps, there is no point trying to organise the icons. Nothing beats typing the first letter and launch.

    • I like Kiss a lot too.

      Very different than Nova but simple and powerful.

  • Smart Launcher. Worth the premium version. It has the alternate task feature you mentioned, it's just on double tap instead of swipe.

    Not open source, but they're independent and respectful of privacy

  • Not seen Lynx Launcher mentioned, free version is OK but the majority of features are for premium version.

  • Niagara.

    Cool disclosure: I haven't tried any others. I was really impressed by Niagara and just paid the asking price.