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  • 6, 8, 9. Anyone that chooses something else is crazy. Experienced pizza maker can make $40 an hour in my neighborhood (high CoL) the cat thing I could change by the hour! And nobody else doesn't sleep! I could take advantage of that in many ways.

  • Can I choose $20 three times. If so, then I choose that. I really need $60.

    Otherwise I choose $20 and the pizza chef one. I’ll sell enough pizza to earn $40 and then quit.

    I’ll pass on the third thing.

  • 3, 8, and 9. I already have estrogen and already am a master pizza chef. 5 is unethical, it's basically mind control

    • 5 doesn't force them to like you, it just makes you attractive to them. I don't consider it anymore unethical than plastic surgery.

  • wait there are people who don't pick 8? what is wrong with y'all? I am more like 8, 8 and 8

    • I wouldn't pick 8, but I am a dog person. Oh,and I just don't want to be insulted by cats all the time.

    • Do you have cats? Had have you ever had cats?

      There have been times I've wanted 8, but only because I wish I could explain to them why, or tell them how much I love them. But I'm also convinced that, like a 4 y/o, you could explain why without them either caring or really understanding, and I'm also pretty sure now I know how to let them know I love them in ways they already understand. And I think I already understand most of what they're saying. So I feel as if 8 would be a waste.

      • I lived with domesticated and street cats for most of my childhood. Where I am from is filled with cats basically. It is indeed easy to understand basic stuff but the range of cat characteristics is so varied that I always imagined it would be really fun to be able to talk to them.

    • I mean ... they're still cats with cat brains -- you're not going to be having deep conversations with them.

      The vast majority of their language is body language and you can figure out what they're "saying" by just looking at them. Also, they're cats: even if they know what you're trying to say if it's something they don't like they won't care.

  • I'll take the column on the right. A pizza chef who doesn't need to sleep or shave sounds like all my problems taken care of in one go!

  • I already got estrogen, and $20 is $20... I'll take the $20 three times please!!

  • u dont need purple, pink or brown if u're willing to learn and if u're a master pizza chef that understands cats and can trick ur own mind u also wont need blue :3 and maybe that attraction will also get free laser sessions so u wont need yellow! :D

  • I don't have a cat (did in the past, was an indoor cat) but there's many roaming my neighbourhood because it's still apparently difficult for Australians to understand how fucked that is.

    I'd like to be able to talk to cats.

    So I'd go have a chat to them and explain what longer, healthier lives they'd have at home. Free from disease, injury and the risk of being hit by car. I'd tell them to go home.

    I'd also explain to them, that if they keep visiting my house, that eventually my dog might get one. And if he doesn't, I'll trap them and take them to the pound because their shit families are unlikely to have chipped them.