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Political Memes

I'm told that this is a real picture.

"Every previous president would have ended it by now."

"Biden literally couldn't do worse."

  • Ultimately the problem is Biden choices on Palestine are reprehensible. He doesn't "deserve" to be president again on that alone. If he was running against someone like mitt Romney , he would be in deep shit, and this discussion would be a total nebulous cloud. (Edit I'm not pro mitt, I'm saying Biden only has a chance because trump is insane.)

    Unfortunately, no new candidates are available for this upcoming election.

    Trump has made clear his behavior on topics like Palestine, and there are strong inferences to be made.on his potential actions on Ukraine. This is corroborated by government leaders and experts who are already defensively preparing for trump to come fuck their shit up. So that's foreign policy.

    Domestically, Biden is not as egregious a troublemaker. There are SERIOUS issues happening today in America, for which a Biden whitehouse should be doing more. But I think we can agree that trump has both demonstrated in the past, and spoken clearly in the future about the ways he would shift domestic issues for the worse.

    So how one votes in the primary is fine, but come the general election, I have not been convinced how abstaining or voting for trump is an appropriate action.

    Trump is either as bad, or worse on every topic of significance, and I personally believe America will be drastically worse off with him as president...both domestically and abroad.

    Lastly, depending on where you live, abstaining from voting in the general can be very impactful, and may even assist a trump election. It is deeply unsatisfying voting for someone you dislike, with the sole purpose of avoiding someone you hate, but it must be acknowledged.

  • The system in the US necessitates one cast their vote tactically instead of emotionally to effect necessary change, and most of these changes bear out only in the long term by design. Because of this, capital interest toils to encourage voters into precisely the opposite behavior; a populace which is driven to make voting decisions by an atomic, emotionally-charged view of a singular candidate's actions, as opposed to a contextual view of the broader system which enables such actions to begin with, is a populace which is much easier to fragment—and much easier to control.

    Meaningful change requires a path to follow, but results by a reformist method alone come painfully slow—again, by the system's very design. It's more comfortable to believe that rallying behind a third party advocating radical change is the better way, but power has been consolidated so heavily into the largest two parties that the effectiveness of any others (outside of very specific circumstances) is gutted almost entirely. It has been this way especially since the campaign finance mal-reforms that followed the Bush v Gore race. Abstaining from participation or jumping to a niche cause in protest of atrocities that are occurring now is an understandable sentiment, but in a system tuned to overlook and perpetuate said atrocities it's missing the bigger picture.

    Try not to look at your vote as a wholesale endorsement; look at it instead as a carefully-considered stake in the ultimate goal to tear down the walls which have kept third parties unfairly irrelevant for decades—centuries, arguably. Stake it with the goal of working to reform or abolish unjust systems. Stake it with the goal of laying the groundwork for more radical progressive change in the future.

    Despite all I've attempted to lay out, if you insist on voting third party anyways, I urge you to find someone to vote for and make that your movement to stand in contrast against reprehensible genocide-enabling. The time for such a nomination is long overdue, and as it stands a candidate does not seem to currently exist in a way capable of capturing the majority of Americans' votes—especially in time for election day. This means a lot of work needs to be done if that's your ultimatum to the current situation, I encourage you to start as soon as you are able. Please understand that the third party route is not only victory or bust, but a bust means the genocide gets considerably and immediately worse if you rally too many to your cause who would have cast their vote for Biden otherwise. This outcome has an extremely well-established historical precedent in the United States, having happened multiple times in elections past, and will continue to be a concern unless/until vote tally reforms are adopted. Such are the considerations in US electoral tactics.

  • What do you believe is the underlying set of values and principles guiding Hexbear?

    What do you believe the goals of people on Hexbear are?

    Is it possible to analyze the beliefs that lead them to the conclusions they have, so as to better argue against them, than to call them MAGA supporters?

    I myself will probably be voting Biden, for transparency, but this meme is just a gross misunderstanding of how disaffected leftists, and Marxists in general, operate, and why.

    • The creeps on Hexbear aren't leftists. I've never come across a coherent and useful definition of "leftist" that includes them.

      • Why do you say that? They oppose Capitalism, colonialism, Imperialism, and bigotry. They support Socialism, Communism, and Anarchism. They read Marx, Lenin, and Goldman, and share memes based on Marxist theory.

        On what grounds do you decide that they aren't leftists? Is it because you disagree with their stances, as a presumed leftist, therefore anyone you disagree with cannot be a leftist? Is it because you think they are bad people, and bad people can't be leftists? Is it just vibes?

        What is your coherent and useful definition of leftism? We can compare Hexbear's stated goals and see if it lines up better with leftism or rightism.