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Virtual keyboard not showing on non-KDE apps


Maliit is selected in virtual keyboard settings, it shows up when using a KDE app like Dolphin or Konsole, but it doesn't show up when using a non-KDE app like VLC or Discord.

How to fix this ?


  • Are you using Wayland or X11?

  • @KaKi87 Those apps are probably running under X11. Make sure they are running with native Wayland support, for Chromium apps you should add --ozone-platform=wayland --enable-wayland-ime to the command line arguments.

    • Those apps are probably running under X11. Make sure they are running with native Wayland support

      How do I check these ?

      for Chromium apps you should add --ozone-platform=wayland --enable-wayland-ime to the command line arguments

      Where ?


      • /usr/bin/discord --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland --enable-wayland-ime you should be able to add it via editing it in the application launcher. But alternatively, I recommend trying out Vesktop.

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