[ANN] peertube: a (simple) Go client for PeerTube
[ANN] peertube: a (simple) Go client for PeerTube
hi there,
just a quick message to announce my latest small pet project of the week :
A simple (and incomplete) Go client for PeerTube1 (an alternative to Big Tech's video platforms).
Right now, the client can:
- authenticate with a PeerTube server,
- list accounts,
- list videos for a given account,
- upload videos for a given account,
- remove videos for a given accounts.
There's also a simple peertube-cli command-line program to perform the things above:
$> go install git.sr.ht/~sbinet/peertube/cmd/peertube-cli
$> peertube-cli help
peertube-cli - runs peertube-cli commands and sub-commands
auth-add authenticate with a PeerTube server
auth-ls list the known PeerTube servers
auth-rm remove a PeerTube login
video-ls list video(s) from a PeerTube server
video-upload upload a video to a PeerTube server
Use "peertube-cli help <command>" for more information about a command.
It's not much, but it allowed me to ease the day-to-day work of uploading audio files for a podcast I am maintaining and authoring.
hth, -s