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Version 10.0.0 Beta 1 - Changelog - Symfonium support Version 10.0.0 Beta 1

Version 10.0.0 Notes: If you are a graphic designer or can help building some new custom themes, please join the forum. Added: Complete rewrite of the theming engine with a lot more control over everything: Custom M3 seed color, palette type and contrasts. New powerful custom themes with more...

Version 10.0.0 Beta 1

Anyone else using this and finding that sync is now broken? I can force a sync by using compatibility mode, but it's slow and I have to manually force start it.

Also there's a weird bug where it takes album art from files in directories above.

  • Was this fixed for you? I'm on (12654) after installing on a new Android phone, syncing with Navidrome. Sync seems fine to me (although I have spotted a bug in Navidrome when using capitals in usernames).

    • Yeah, it's fixed. Turns out that one of my albums had a disk number as "85858338" or something ridiculous and Symfonium was like integer or bust. I tried to remove it and it didn't fix it. Ended up having to replace it with "1" and everything started working normally again.