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Growing demand for stronger marijuana highlights the risk of cannabis-induced psychiatric disorders Growing demand for stronger marijuana highlights the risk of cannabis-induced psychiatric disorders

As more states legalize recreational cannabis products, there’s been greater consumer demand for more powerful weed, raising the possible of risk of psychiatric disorders.

Growing demand for stronger marijuana highlights the risk of cannabis-induced psychiatric disorders
  • It’s somewhat unclear whether the people would have developed schizophrenia or a similar illness anyway, just later on. It’s difficult to not be skeptical of any popular reporting or government information given the vast amount of incredibly overblown, total bullshit propaganda (aka straight up lies) about cannabis in the past few decades. One also has to look at what people are using cannabis in substitution for - alcohol, tobacco, SSRIs, benzos? And how many people get positive mental health benefits from it. I know I did.

    I wanted to comment on this, anyway

    She is optimistic that the THC levels of available marijuana flower will not rise as high as 50%.

    I… don’t think that’s physically possible, so it seems like a safe prediction.

    • the big one is opioids – cannabis can reduce opioid dependency and there’s no way Purdue Pharma is gonna take that laying down …

    • Last stuff I read pointed to it just being a trigger for something that would have happened with exposure to any of a wide range of substances (including the possibility of alcohol), and probably would have occurred without a specific trigger eventually anyway.

      And you're dead right, a lot of the people experiencing an MJ triggered illness were self medicating to begin with, including mixing substances.

      The caveat: I haven't had full access to the medical library in over a decade, so my shit is not cutting edge. I'm also working from memory, so there's that.