Andy Young, an ex-Microsoft senior software engineer, posted a message on X/Twitter bemoaning that even with his $1,600 Core i9 CPU and 128 GB of RAM, Windows...
Well your leaving window ME out of that list which came right after 98SE and is widely considered a turd. I also wouldn't put 2000 in with them as it was an operating system designed for business use while the other 2 were consumer oriented.
95, 98, 98SE might be a pretty decent stretch though. NT4, 2000, and XP could be a good stretch on the business side. If you ignore NT4's poor driver support.
It was pretty close, I remember seeing both for sale at the same time, and starting about the same time, and 2000 persisting longer, so I just assumed different markets or something.
The problem was they abandoned Socialism. Windows US would have been such a better transition from '98, not to Windows Xtra Profit, thence to the poor, bloated, forgotten, single digits and low tens... But to Windows Comrad Edition and thence to a glorious Communist future where Mainframe governs all equally and we all Thin Clients equally share the FlPOpS!