You wouldn’t get it
You wouldn’t get it
You wouldn’t get it
Upon reflection, I do get the joke now.
This one gets it
They don't call me AbstractJokerAdapterFactoryProxy for nothin'
Where are your gods now?
public static Joke getTheJoke(Meme yourMeme) { Field jokeField = Meme.class.getDeclaredField("joke"); jokeField.setAccessible(true); return (Joke) jokeField.get(yourMeme); }
Is it Java? It looked like Microsoft Java C# to me...
public static void Main(string[] args) { var meme = new Meme(); var joke = GetTheJoke(meme); } public static Joke GetTheJoke(Meme theMeme) { var memeType = typeof(Meme); var jokeField = memeType.GetField("Joke", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); return (Joke)jokeField.GetValue(theMeme); }
There isn't an unnecessary level of capitalization; seems to be regular Java with Allman braces.
Frankly it's been a while since I wrote either one. I just assumed Java because of the naming convention, and I didn't see anything I took as obviously un-Java in the class definition
Because C# is a Java clone
public Joke Joke { private get; set; }
Is it possible to get the joke at runtime using the spectre exploit?
Not required. Looks like Java, just use reflection.
Stop making private jokes and start posting them publicly. We wanna laugh too, ya selfish bastid.
throw new SameJokeException();
now i get it, do i?