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How should one start using peertube if they want to make videos?

can you make whatever or are there rules to peertube, and why does everyone say its better than youtube? I want to make gameplay videos someday but i wasnet sure if i should use peertube, youtube, or some other thing.

what are the best peertube channels?

or would it be better to just watch videos on there?

also i could use advice on peertube/youtube or something of that nature.

  • Peertube is the fediverse equivalent of youtube. So like Lemmy, you pick an instance, follow their rules, and post content. Like Lemmy, you will reach a smaller audience than the proprietary platform (in this case, youtube).

    If you want to remove google from your life, or can't be bothered with the anti consumer bullshit of proprietary platforms like youtube, then use Peertube.

    If you don't care about the above, and just want to reach a larger audience, use youtube.

    You can always upload to both.

  • Peertube is a federated video platform. That means that like lemmy or mastodon, there's a huge number of different instances. My instance for example, is following 103 other instances, and is followed by 73 other instances. Each instance is hosted by different people, and each have different rules.

    Because of the wide variety of instances, it's truly distributed and so all kinds of things are hosted there, from cat videos to porn and other stuff you typically can't host on other platforms such as covid conspiracy theory videos.

    One peertube channel that is similar to what you're talking about is minetest videos: It's consistently trending on my feed (but different sites will have different feeds based on what they are or are not federated to).

    I think your best bet is to see what's out there, because there's a lot of content but it's sort of like old youtube.

    If I were to become a youtuber today, I'd diversify. You can create a youtube channel and mirror it on peertube, for example. I think that some other alt-tech sites like rumble and bitchute have similar features as well, so you could set up a workflow where you post a video and have it show up on a number of different platforms.

    The reason peertube is better than youtube is the same reason lemmy is better than reddit and mastodon is better than twitter; It's libre, distributed, and generally not algorithmically driven.

    Oh, one other neat thing: If you ever have a peertube video just blow up and become super popular, peertube uses torrent style technology so video watchers automatically share pieces of the video with one another. Just a little neat thing that helps scale a video site whereas it's generally tough once you start getting popular.

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