I'm a hetero cis man with stubble, but based on these categories I'd like to identify as an eepy princess if that's allowed. Right now that's my spirit animal.
If it helps my case, I have long hair and am presently burritoed in a cozy blanket.
Same except I’m a bi cis guy. I am God’s eepiest soldier
Us right now: God, why do you give me your eepiest battles?
I'm 100% a cis guy so this doesn't apply to me. But I'd probably go for eepy princess because I'm always eepy. Or combine into the eepy tomboy because cool.
50% eepy princess 50% chaos activist
Edit: and wish to be power mommy
Chaos princess
Space marines hate me
Chaos mommy here.
Until it is done.
The Chaos must be defeated.
I am the hammer, I am the right hand of the Emperor, the instrument of His will, the gauntlet about His fist, the tip of His spear, the edge of His sword!
I wish I could be the chaos activist but my bed is soooo comfy
Be the chaos activist you want to see in the world. Days of chaos, nights of eep.
a boy XP
a cute chaotic eepy boyy mrowrr >w<
Eepy Tomboy
Where are the chill tomboys at? (Asking for a friend)((it’s me, I’m the friend))
im a bit of everything
100% eepy princess rn though ive been sick for the last 2 weeks:(
Oof. :c Hope you get well soon!
extremely eepy princess
Definitely an eepy princess. I actually just woke up from my second nap lol.
Damn, having a body like any of those would be nice.
Power eepy princess mommy
Chaos Activist.
All four, but since I'm eepy (and old), I just teach theory to the young Chaos Activists.
Chaos Tomboy
Eepy activist
Eepy princess
Left Column, with a Right Column in progress.
Based on these replies, we gotta do a whole chart for each adjective and noun, and fill it in with appropriate characters.
What happens once your age out of being a tomboy but you're too much of a disaster to be a power mommy?
I'm whatever that is? a spinster? I'm married but. Well sort of, the government forms can get fucked we're wives to everyone who knows us. A cool aunt?? I'll go with cool aunt.
Wait a second is a trans tomboy just a boyish male? Wtf?
No, a tomboy is a "boy-ish" girl, so a trans tomboy is the same.
Yukko :D