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Hey while we're on the topic of New Vegas here's a pretty fun mod: Claim the Mojave (and the Capital) Claim the Mojave (and the Capital)

A gold sink mod designed around allowing the player to spend caps to build outposts at locations in the Mojave for the faction of their choice. Designed for use alongside FPGE and TLD. Includes a TTW

Claim the Mojave (and the Capital)

It's pretty simple, the mod lets you find a bunker to turn into your home base and spend a lot of caps to claim areas for your chosen faction, with the option of even renaming said areas as well (eg renaming the NCRCF into Gulag or something)

Wild Card players have the option of working with one of the game's minor factions instead of just taking over with the Securitron army so you can do a pseudo Followers or Kings playthrough if you want (still ultimately just a Wild Card playthrough though). If that's not enough, there are extra factions such as Intelligent Deathclaws or Molerats you can also roll with. With Functional Post-Game Ending you can also claim the Strip for your chosen minor faction itself after the battle of Hoover Dam. However, if you choose to go with the Securitron army you can name your faction/Independent Mojave whatever the fuck you want (I think the extra factions might give that option too).

There is a China faction, but you need TTW for that and I think they're exclusive to the Capital Wasteland anyways. So uhhh, if you're like me and don't have that, you're outta luck. For those who do however, and are interested in this mod, I beseech you, please take over the U.S. capital for China, and take pics while you're at it.