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implying americans actually want a credit score
I'm honestly unsure. What is the alternative? Instead of a pre-emptive risk assessment of whether or not you can pay something, more people just receive punishments when they end up not being able to? I don't like being judged or told what I can or cannot pay back a month from now, but on a large scale doesn't this mostly protect people from dangerous debts? For the opponents, what is the proposed alternative?
on a large scale doesn't this mostly protect people from dangerous debts?
Not really. It just ends up with lenders offering far more predatory interest rates, which worsens the situation for the debtor. The system is set up in such a way that you can spiral pretty hard with a single misstep.
I’m honestly unsure. What is the alternative?
Given that there are plenty of developed countries where credit scores don't exist (and plenty more where they do but only for businesses), I think alternatives are imaginable. I would know, I live in one such country.
If you want a mortgage here, the bank will:
The US consumer economy is very highly dependent on short-term/credit debt, and that is absolutely crazy to me. Some Americans say they "need" a credit card to defer payment on some purchases, and as someone raised in culture where debit is king this sounds absolutely insane. Y'all have been propagandized, here it is perfectly normal to not have a single credit line open before shopping for a mortgage and if anything your banker will commend you for it.
For the opponents, what is the proposed alternative?
I’d imagine this is the crux of the problem. Banks need some way to determine if someone will pay back their loans, and what better way than to tabulate their history of doing just that? Should banks be willing to take risks in a system with stuff like the 7 year rule?
If it was about the ability to pay back loans, then why does it go down when I finish paying the loan? Its about your ability to pay as much interest as possible.
This. Paid off my house and my excellent credit score dropped by almost 20 points.
Part of your credit score is also the present. It’s more than a bit predatory, but not having any current financial responsibilities looks bad. For example, if you have no loans whatsoever but paid back a bunch in the past, there’s little evidence saying you can currently pay them off. At least, that’s the theory of it.
I'd like credit scores systems to be fully public and developed by the government. It would be far better than the three private systems Americans deal with now.
Four*. FICO is another one and at one time was most commonly used for home mortgages. Not sure how true that is today, but it's still very much in use.
The vast majority of Americans (95%) say having a good credit score is important to them, according to the survey.
I have yet to meet a Democrat or Republican who thinks they shouldn't exist.
I mean same applies to the Chinese,
but wanting to look good in an oppressive system, does not mean you actually like to be oppressed by said system.
Is this stockholm syndrome?
Following rules because you’re afraid of the consequences is extremely different from falling in love with or even desiring the rules.
There's a difference between wanting to have good credit so that you can benefit from a garbage system and wanting that system to exist in the first place.
No shit. Going to the hospital is important to me but I wish I didn't have to do that, too.
Of course it is; that's the system under which we're living.
you can't really do anything about it.
I mean denouncing the system would be a first step, yes. Like I said I never seen Democrats or Republicans claims this system shouldn't exist.
I'm a leftist who dislikes capitalism, but I can admit that credit scores were a step up from the way loans were done before. The old way just made it so the banks themselves decided who they wanted to issue a loan to, and that led to a lot of racism and sexism when it came to giving the loans out.
Still, I do think we can come up with a better system than the current credit score system, and I think you have the right idea to point out it's flaws to start the wheels turning on improving it.
your conclusion doesn't follow from your premise. the ability to live indoors is going to be important to people even if they think the system by which we decide who is allowed to live indoors is kinda shit.