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Also, you have been turned into a worm.
  • It's meaningless and unfunny.

    Sysiphus is cursed to forever till a boulder uphill.

    The Hilbert Hotel is a philosophical math idea. It has an infinite number of rooms, all full. If you another person wants a room, everyone with a room moves over one. Room 1 moves into room 2, etc. Room 1 is now empty for the new person, and the hotel again has an infinite number of rooms, all full. Just one larger infinite than before.

    The Ship of Theseus is a Greek story from Plutarch's Lives about a ship whose parts get replaced as they wear out. The question is - is it the same ship if it has none of the same parts?

  • How far in advance do you usually plan vacations?
  • We usually know what city/countries we want to visit this year, but actually looking for hotels or airfare is like a month out. We're pretty chill vacationers, and we have our style worked out so it's not usually stressful for us. YMMV!

  • How far in advance do you usually plan vacations?

    We're last minute people, maybe a week in advance without air travel, a month with. A family friend just invited us to join them on a vacation NOVEMBER 2025. That seems bonkers to me!

    How far in advance do you plan a small trip like a road trip or visiting family, and how far in advance for a big trip like international travel, a cruise, or Disney?

    Where to Start With Ursula K. LeGuin?
  • Those are all fantastic choices! Rama is one of my favorites, even with the co-authored sequels losing a lot of the majesty that makes the first book so engaging.

    If you liked those books, I think you might like Hal Clement's A mission of Gravity, about an expedition to a very high-gravity planet and the fascinating perspectives of the creatures that live there.

  • library summer reading challenge help!


    My local library summer reading challenge has a few items with which I could use y'all's help.

    Read a book with a musical theme.

    Read a book outside your comfort zone (I read mostly novels, and mostly sci-fi).

    Read a book by an author from a different cultural background. (I'm a white American and I've already read Three Body Problem)

    Read a book suggested to you.

    I would appreciate any suggestions!


    Older women, women with weight changes or visible disabilities, or transfolk of Lemmy - how has the male gaze changed for you?

    Hello ladies (current and former) of Lemmy (current) - I'm curious how your experience of the male gaze has changed as you moved in and out of young-woman-hood.

    How has your opinion of being seen changed through this process?

    Hallo! What American novelties would Germans enjoy?

    Ich besuche meine Familie nächste Woche, und ich will kleine Geschenke mitbringen.

    I know American chocolate is inferior, but I assume it's still a novelty. Some kind of candies probably, too. What else? Many years ago they loved to get boxed breakfast cereal and paper napkins, which seems quaint now.

    It's been years since I've seen them, and I'm sure everyone there can buy whatever they want on the Internet, but it will still be fun to bring something.

    Any suggestions for an Ausländer?

    How should I change my polite behavior to be more accommodating?

    My parents raised me to always say "yes sir" and "no ma'am", and I automatically say it to service workers and just about anyone with whom I'm not close that I interact with. I noticed recently that I had misgendered a cashier when saying something like "no thank you, ma'am" based on their appearing AFAB, but on a future visit to the store they had added their pronouns (they) to their name tag. I would feel bad if their interaction with me was something they will remember when feeling down. This particular person has a fairly androgynous haircut/look and wears a store uniform, so there's no gender clue there.

    I am thinking I need to just stop saying "sir" and "ma'am" altogether, but I like the politeness and I don't know how I would replace it in a gender-neutral way. Is there anything better than just dropping it entirely?

    For background I'm a millennial and more than happy to use people's correct pronouns if I know them!

    Imaginary Maps - Your source for fictional maps. Clay_pidgin
    Jerry's Map - an art project to draw and update a map as the random cards direct Jerry's Map

    Jerry's Map, by artist Jerry Gretzinger, is a map of a fictional world 50 years in the making.

    Jerry's Map

    Jerry Gretzinger has been drawing and updating this map one panel at a time based on random card draws. Over the decades his style and art interests have changed and that's reflected in the map.

    I bought a few panels and I love them. I've been aware of the project for years and years. I would love to see it in an exhibition somewhere.

    The Less Than symbol in comments renders as an HTML character code

    Less Than three should make a heart emoji.


    Let's try some more:

    Less Than <

    Greater than >

    Less or equal ≤

    Greater or equal ≥

    Open bracket [

    Closed bracket ]

    Open brace {

    Closed brace }

    Forward slash /

    Back slash \

    There might be more, but I haven't found them yet.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    /u/clay_pigeon on Reddit

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