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Older patient gamers: what is your preferred gaming platform?

I used to be a PC-only gamer but the older I get the more I gravitate toward very 'simple' platforms.

Because my gaming time slots can be unpredictable and sometimes short I can't take too much time setting things up.

I was surprised to find that I use the Nintendo Switch a lot because the games are on cartridges (usually few to no downloading needed) and I can continue playing the game when I am away from home. Really surprising, considering I bought it out of curiosity in 2017 and that it is in some ways underpowered compared to my other devices- I never had a Nintendo 'home' console before that.

I thought of adding the PS4 to this mention however recently I've been avoiding playing it due to the constant updates. The worst example was when my SO bought me Red Dead Redemption 2. I sat down, excited to play it, when suddenly it pormpted me to download a HUGE update . It really kind of ruined my first session.

What are your experiences and your preferred devices?

  • I guess I'm in the older segment as I'm in my 40's, and still basically exclusively a pc-guy, making a slow but somewhat sure transition over to penguin themed os from windows.

    I do play some older console games (via emulation), adventure games (scummvm <3) and quite a bit of modern pc singleplayer/coop titles. My go-to launchers are Steam and GOG.

    Sure, pc maintenance can be a lot at times, but I'm a nerd and tinker on my pc a lot anyway, so it just happens.

  • PC. I only touched my series X lately to clean the dust off.

    I like modding games and just a few games support mods on Xbox. I bought it when graphic card prices went up astronomically. After I got me an 6750XT haven't played on the Xbox. Also older games run @30FPS or some half assed resolution on Xbox. Meh.

  • Unfortunately, with the current popularity of digital downloads, consoles aren't great for patient gaming because they rarely give a good discount for older titles on their online stores (especially nintendo).

  • My favourite way to play games at the moment is with a retro emulator handheld. But with new games it's ps5. I'm still rocking a 1050ti in my pc so I prefer to play the big budget games on console.

  • As time goes on I lean more and more into PC gaming with emulation for older systems. Resistant to hardware and disks/cartridges failing and there are fewer concerns with online functionality going away completely. There's a lot to like about the Switch but with it being literally their only console that still has any online features, I have serious concerns about longevity.

  • Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Gabe Newell? But seriously, get the Steam Deck. It's awesome.

    • Yep, OP uses his Switch way more than expected. The Deck is an extremely flexible device in a similar form factor. I've been able to beat so many games in my backlog with it, just excellent.

    • Xbox Series X for backwards compatibility with enhanced visuals
    • Nintendo Switch for ports from other platforms on the go
    • Analogue Pocket + dock for actual retro stuff
    • DSi, N3DS, Vita for other portable needs

    I don't game on PC since I spend enough time with it at work.

  • Android phone with Razer Kishi v1 controller. Stream PC games via Steamlink/Parsec. Emulators (NES / SNES / Genesis / GBA / DS / PS1 / PS2 / Gamecube / Switch).

  • I used to play everything, and had every major system to do so back in my teens and twenties. But I've since just been primarily a PC player because I know what I like, and what I like are weird games that experiment with new ideas and/or push the limits of complexity. Like Dwarf Fortress and damn near anything Ssethtzeentach reviews.

    In the console space, much of the experimentation I see done in games that would otherwise interest me are more in the cinematography and other means of presentation, whereas all the weird and interesting implementations of fun tend to be PC exclusive.