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Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.


When asked: Would you have said the same thing during the civil rights movement?

He replied: "What a ridiculous and self-serving oversimplification to imply the civil rights movement was successful because people stood in the street. It's very simple, just get out of the road"

Here's the link to the video clips.

He also said this:

"What gives you the unique moral authority to break the law because of what you believe in?... It's narcissistic and entitled. That's insane. It's like these people think the world revolved around their issue..."

The pic is just a pic I found of him.

Edit: Also, if people think he doesn't matter, he's literally more popular than Hasan, especially when it comes to gaming shit.


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  • I remember when this site used to praise him because I think he said some shit about Bernie and healthcare and housing being unaffordable lol

    Everybody is for better conditions. The question is who is willing to accept sacrifice for better conditions of people they don't know at all

    • I remember when this site used to praise him because I think he said some shit about Bernie and healthcare and housing being unaffordable lol

      literally when lol, don't just make shit up

      • Back when I first joined there were some decently upbeared comments about how Hasan might be turning Asmongold into a comrade because he repeated some talking points about wage labor or the state's monopoly on violence or something.

        I mean it really depends on what we're arguing, whether the site as a whole believed something naive or whether fifty to a hundred people on it did.

        If we go waaaaaaaaaayyyyy back to the chapo sub there were some highly upvoted doozies in hindsight irt reading far too much into throwaway "celebrity" statements like thinking Ye and Grimes were on our side because they said some vague critical things about neoliberalism and imperialism respectively.
        The comrade Britney thing started silly but some people took it a little too serious as points there and I'm still waiting for her to say or do something super reactionary any day now.

        Anyways that's a tangent, lemme search:

        • literally one guy's comment from a 4 year old post that isn't even about him lol. I'd expect a qualifier like 'I remember when this site used to praise him[...]' to be referring to at least 3 posts with 50+ comments actually praising him. Instead we have:

          He [Hasan Piker] seems to have a good influence on the other grill pillers too

          After talking to him Asmongold started saying shit like "private property is a construct of the state", and "the US electoral system is captured by monied interests" on stream, so that's almost an understatement lmao

          This is just a comment saying that WoW Streamer was on his stream parroting the politics of the last guy he spoke to. Not even in a praising way lol. If anything this is more Hasan praise - which sure, is definitely an argument to get into (not with me, I don't care about Hasan) but I think it is definitely wrong and a gross mischaracterization of the site to say that we've ever 'praised' Asmongold or Kanye West or even Grimes. It seems like you read someone facetiously commenting 'based' on a random "X Celebrity said Y thing in public" post and conflate that with them thinking 'wow they're finally a leftist and have my undying support now'.

          I'm not seeing any legitimate praise from this post and that is quite literally one of the oldest posts you can find when searching 'Kanye' and maybe the only one I saw during the 30 seconds I searched that had any amount of 'praise' in the title:

          The top comment is literally:

          Lol is Kanye changing his grift?

          anyways shrug-outta-hecks I don't really care because yeah, they're all celebrities who are inconsequential to my life and I'm not fans of any of the above -- I just think its kinda wild to say something like "I remember when this site was actually pretty pro reddit" and point to a post that is talking about inviting people from a banned leftist sub.

    • Eh, I think that was more about people realizing that the king of the Gamers(tm) could recognize that there were problems in particular because some of his stories about not being able to afford care for his family was relatable to many (going off memory here, so please correct me if im misremembering).

    • Am I wrong or did Bernie himself flip on Israel? Like, I think before the current assault, he was way more open and critical of Israel. Or maybe he was always like this and we - the younger, progressive people he partly energized back in 2016 - just shifted way more to the left than him without even realizing, leaving him behind?

      I remember how his position back in Oct-Nov of 2023 came to me as somewhat shocking/disappointing, but I didn't pay too much attention to it, because I frankly didn't care what he had to say. It was just more words on Twitter from yet another politician. If he wasn't going to be an ally, then there was no use paying any attention to him. And I think now he's trying to pivot along with a bunch of other politicians, in which case, again, he's not that different from any of them.

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