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You can't convince me these CHINA HAS FALLEN vids aren't 100% astroturfed

  • After 30 days, these content creators will reset China's collapse timer and still get millions of views per video. They know these Sinophobes only care about breathing in their daily dose of hopium, not facts, and will desperately eat up whatever collapse circle jerk spiel like it's the only food around.

    Anyone who does business with China or is an ex-pat living in the country knows the nation's economy is far from collapsing.

  • It is manufactured consent failing spectacularly. The US gas been gearing up for war, but China has just refused to engage. So you end up with the comucal situation of the US trying to provoke China and China itself not giving a fuck. As so preparations towards war continues in the absence of war itself. This includes endless China bad/failing stories as part of manufactured consent.