Pandemix Praxis
Pandemix Praxis
Bardzo fajny zin anarchistów z Berlina o reakcji anarchistów na obecnie trwającą pandemię COVIDa. Polecam przeczytać całość
"This crisis might not feel like it matters to you, but every struggle matters because all are intertwined.67 It’s wrong when our movement disregards white supremacy or rape culture, and it’s just as wrong that we leave our disabled comrades to fend for themselves. Our spaces need to be radically inclusive, and that means making significant and accommodate others. The changes we made at the beginning of the pandemic were so effective that we wiped entire strains of the flu from existence.68 We could have held on to these changes and created new ways of relating and living, but we let them slip away. We could have embodied a counter to the current society and demonstrated to others that such a shift is possible. We could have built a new world in the cracks of the old. We didn’t, not really. But we still can"