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[Dev Update] Fluent: Fluent interface impementation for native scalar types Regex: Comptime-Generated Stateless Parsing Trees and Iterators

Hello again, I’m back again with more updates 🙂 I just did a big update to fluent implementing comptime regular expressions and our first iterator that uses them - MatchIterator. Regular expressions follow the PCRE syntax. This update has a full regex parser and finite-state-automaton generator...

Regex: Comptime-Generated Stateless Parsing Trees and Iterators

From the announcement:

Regular expressions follow the PCRE syntax. This update has a full regex parser and finite-state-automaton generator that builds parsing trees at comptime. All parsing trees are stateless and have @sizeOf(T) == 0.

To use Regex, just look for the fluent.match function and provide your expression string and source string: fluent.match("[abc]\d+", str)

It’s an on going process, but it’s at a point where people can start using them and be on the lookout for more updates!

Fluent can be found on Github: