I'm so tired of racists pretending that diversity initiatives give a "sub par performing" black person a slot that would have otherwise gone to a "high performing" white person, when the truth is that when racism is in play, a "sub par performing" white person will get preference over any black person regardless of how well they preform. And as these republicans have shown, racism is still in play,
These quotas are used to allocate slots among rich and upper middle class people, so if you think that upper class blacks need this support then sure... How should Asians be treated under these regimes?
Hardly provides much benefit to the working Blacks or anyone else really.
Again, without the quotas, there would be no black or Asian people allowed at all. Because racism.
Middle class black people exist because of affirmative action and policies like it. Without these policies, racists would further stamp all minorities down to poverty wages.
We know this, because it still happens. Racist policies are still on the books from 50-100 years ago, and those policies make it harder for minorities to escape poverty. Affirmative action is one way to fight against these policies and the legacy they have created, and the conservative racists hate it.
Im wondering what they mean by quotas. My company does not have any for the actual selection but does require it for who makes it to physical interview. So it helps to get into the final pool but the canidate still has to be the most qualified at that point.
Government so small that it can fit into every nook and cranny. Small enough to fit inside your bedroom, and up inside your uterus. That's the small government these people want.
These fools. They’re all bent out of shape over the false idea that underperforming people are rewarded based on skin color. That’s not what these companies do. It’s more like when you get a pile of applicants all with identical test scores, the company will then go with a racial minority of that subset.