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  • Yeah, and they let him go 90 minutes later instead of him being still in custody with still no trial after three years. And that was such a disturbing big deal that four years after that, the last time I brought it up and what a bad thing it was was was... yesterday. I saw another poster bring up the same incident earlier this week, too.

    The US police does some fucked up stuff (and they accelerated it up to like 5% of a China level under Trump, including that exact thing you cited). Any level is bad; it's like not the China doing something excuses the US doing it, nor vice versa. But saying the two are comparable in the level of injustice in their prison and court system (let alone that China is superior in that regard) is transparently absurd.

    • The US police does some fucked up stuff (and they accelerated it up to like 5% of a China level under Trump

      my brother in christ, the US has the most people locked up out of any country currently, in history.

      • Yeah. And a lot of them get abused; it's more or less legalized mild-to-moderate torture for most of the time you're in. And if you don't have a bunch of spare money in the bank, trying to defend yourself against even bogus charges drops you into a Kafkaesque nightmare where your defending attorney is overworked and jaded, and the cops, judges, and prosecutor are generally all on the same team which has effectively infinite resources. It's the worst system of all the ostensible democracies, easily, by a clean country mile.

        They just closed a women's prison in California that was more or less a legalized rape-playground for the guards, that everyone had known about for quite a while, but no one could really raise up the inclination to do anything about. Because hey, what the fuck, they're prisoners. So who cares.

        So imagine what a bone-chilling nightmare the Chinese system must be, to manage to be worse than the US by quite a bit.

        • You can "imagine" anything you want, that doesn't mean that it's happening. Meanwhile there's documented evidence of prison abuses in the US.

          The problem here is you inherently think China is bad but you have no evidence to support it other than what the US says. Are there things to criticize about China? Sure, no place is a utopia, but it's not some "bOnE-cHiLliNg" place that you imagine it to be.

        • The same people who profit off of the US prison system are the same people who tell you China is "worse" to justify their own atrocities. Jesus fucking Christ.

          My neighbour is a bit of an asshole, so imagine how much more of a piece of shit you must be, you probably murder and eat babies. I have no evidence for this, but I can imagine it, which makes it true.

          • Dude, I didn't bring up China initially. They've both got very bad prison systems. I'm just pointing out that it's silly as OP did to hold up some positive example of what happens to you in China if you protest the government versus the (already pretty undemocratic) things that happen in the US. There's no comparison.

            I mean, you can try. Are you Chinese or know someone in China? It's not that hard to just go out on the street with a poster talking about Tienanmen or overthrowing Xi Jinping, and report back about your experiences.

            I'm happy to show evidence comparing the systems. What are some sources you trust that I could cite?

            • Shut the fuck up baby murderer. The fuck is wrong with you? Why do you love murdering babies so much?

              • Wikipedia? Reuters? TASS? Al-Jazeera? Something else?

                Where do you get your news and world information from? Even if it doesn't say anything about Chinese prisons, I'd be interested to be exposed to the truth so I could start unlearning all these lies I've been fed from all the other baby murderers.

                • You clearly aren't interested in actually learning though. You're a sealioning debate pervert, I'm not going to dance for you, you piece of shit. You didn't approach this topic in good faith and aren't going to change your mind. Enjoy your fascist hellhole of a country getting worse and worse as you blame China for all of the ills caused by your own government.

                  • You're actually pretty close to a realization, I think.

                    You know that these are simple questions that anyone who's being full and honest about what they believe and why would be okay with answering. I mean, tactically I think it's smart that you don't want to answer, because you know if you keep pulling that thread there might pop out some evidence that you want to be able to keep pretending isn't there.

                    I feel like that one day's one-off webcomic panel has been giving ammunition to bad faith debaters everywhere for years now, because it gave them an excuse to dismiss straightforward questions as "sealioning" and told them that it's perfectly reasonable to just angrily refuse to address questions that some little part of their brain knows they really should have answers to. Like somehow the person asking straight questions is the dickhead, and the person saying I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT WHAT I SAID, I JUST KNOW YOU'RE WRONG is the reasonable one.

                    All good. I won't try to make you talk about it if you really want to curl up into a ball and say no no no no no no no. Just remember, real honest points of view don't have these little gaps that people get mad about if someone starts asking questions about them. Have a good one, I guess.

                    • Fuck off you smug piece of shit. You libs really don't get it.

                      Every socialist in the west was like you at one point, in the same smugly ignorant position they were trained to be in, with massive blind spots towards socialism, finding every excuse in the book to think you're "smart" despite not actually doing any effort to learn more or challenge your preconceived notions, to dismiss everything that challenges you out of hand, thinking this is "critical thinking" when it is actually just intellectual laziness.

                      We have challenged our preconceived notions about these places, we have actually looked, and actually investigated, we were the ones choosing not to be intellectually lazy and blindly support the status quo opinion, thinking it is intelligence. You're not willing to listen, or learn, and I'm not going to be doing your thinking for you. You have a brain, please use it for something other than being smug on the internet. Or if you can't handle that, at least go and be smug and unpleasant somewhere else.

                      • IDK why you think I haven't read socialism.

                        But good luck. If you don't want me being rude to you, you probably don't want us to talk any more at this point.

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