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Can you predict tomorrow's struggle sessions, today? Bookmark this thread if you post in it to prove you were right later!

My prediction is that "Rebel Moon" will have enough Snyder treat hogs needing to make excuses for it that there will be future "this is leftist, actually, because the Big Bad if you squint at it can actually look like nazis I guess" or even "the Synderesque Cornfield of Burgerland Sentimentality can look kind of like a commune if you squint and hold your breath long enough" or maybe just boil down to "let people enjoy things" thought terminating cliches, all the while the movie will push cartoonishly blatant up-yours-woke-moralists propaganda against straw communists. No one is immune to propaganda, least of all the "propaganda has no effect on me" believers, so I predict that'll be a struggle session.

I expect I will be told to touch grass a lot by that treat's future defenders if it has even a moderate amount of profitability, which would consequently make local hogs want to make excuses for it instead of admitting it's hog-feeding chud propaganda and just eating it anyway with acceptance, which I would respect somewhat more. feast


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  • I think next year around the US presidential election, if we are still federated, is going to be wild. We are going to have a lot of folks around the fediverse screaming about how we need to vote

    • worst possible reality: reddit explodes like a month before the elections, completely nonfunctional, URL stops working.

      a solid 200,000 redditors swarm onto Lemmy, with many ending up on instances we are federated to. the next month is spent in a constant state of battle over voting. if Trump wins then it's like, at least the next 3 months, with low-lying anger for the remaining 4 years.

    • The economy being as fucked as it is trump is probably going to take it back unless Biden goes full FDR mode in the last year.

      Libs are going to be unbearable.

    • It's not a real struggle session unless its an internal disagreement between Hexbears, if it's us vs the libs that's just sparkling disagreement.

    • met a lib IRL who had a giant 'I Voted, so should you!' badge on their backpack

      next to a captain america badge, liberalism is the goddamn same everywhere

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