A music converter app
A music converter app
I'm looking for an app that can convert flac to mp3 but also other formats to mp3. But a modern app please. Nothing that looks like a throwback to gingerbread. Any suggestions?
A music converter app
I'm looking for an app that can convert flac to mp3 but also other formats to mp3. But a modern app please. Nothing that looks like a throwback to gingerbread. Any suggestions?
termux with ffmpeg
See the thing is, I'm pretty sure Tasker can do that and we ain't gonna let this meme die?
Make a Tasker widget that invokes said Termux script and we have nice UI too?
For anyone interested, the terminal command is ffmpeg -i input_file output_file
so ffmpeg -i awesome_sauce.flac awesome_sauce.mp3
This is what I use: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bdroid.audiomediaconverter
Thanks, that does the job perfectly.
If you are looking for a FOSS app, phiola should do the trick.
Thanks for the suggestion, sadly it doesn't meet the UI requirements.