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r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months.

I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won't be surprised but don't dismiss the findings out of hand. It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

  • While it certainly is a bit of a captain obvious moment that exposure to far-right echo chambers helped radicalise vulnerable people into the far-right, but I can see the merit in having empirical evidence supporting what we see (as OP said) - it is a lot easier to dismiss an andecdote than statistical evidence

  • If you ever want to observe or engage (be ready for the pile-up) with these same folks, r/ShitPoliticsSays contains the exact same user-base of extremists. These are dyed-in-the-wool folks because they use this as a launching-point for brigading other subs comment threads. Lots of Canadian righties there, too. The only credit I'll give is unlike r/conservative that they never censored so you could pretty much discuss and test argumentative points to your heart's content.

    Just read the thread covering this very article about T_D lol

    Of course I still think a sizable chunk of these folks operate in discord channels and astroturfed Sanders subs (especially the 2020 election), ChapoTrapHouse, etc.

  • I don't know what they mean. I hung about in there for three years and I never picked up any white nationalist vocabulary.

    This article sounds like (((globalist))) propaganda to me!

    Edit: Incidentally, I was perma-banned from reddit for making a similar joke there.

  • So what's the definition of white nationalist vocabulary?

    EDIT: Why da fuck am I getting down voted for wanting specifics on the very premise of the article?

    • If you were familiar with far-right extremists before Reddit gave them a comfy little platform, it was painfully obvious.

      Sticking to vocabulary only, terms like "cuck" becoming their favourite insult was straight from neo-nazi circles, where it very deliberately meant "race traitor" -- someone who would let a black man fuck their wife.

      Since it had the most plausible deniability behind it, "cuck" survived about as long as "alt-right" did, before it became obvious to even the dullest of fucks that it was all just neo-nazis.

      But scattered around that, you had terms like "Zionists" and "ethnostate" that aren't inherently Nazi terms but are neo-nazis go-to problem and solution. You had outright dogwhistles like (((Soros))) and 1488. You had preferred slurs for women and minorities that came straight from places that were openly far-right, Holocaust advocates.

      You also had various versions of the same old Protocols/Mein Kamph conspiracy theories, custom built for internet reactionaries. Hell, the anti-Hillary frenzy escalated to accused the Democrats of blood libel for fucks sake -- one of the oldest antisemitic conspiracy theories there is.

      Most of these came and went as they carefully balanced remaining "mask on". If it became too much of a give away, it was retired and replaced. These days, they know to not even name their movement, because it makes it harder to attack. The "alt-right" is now just "Republicans" so they can hide their extremism behind moderates.

      Anyway, fuck the lot of them. Reddit providing a platform for groups like neo-nazis and anti-vaxxers has likely caused more social damage than anything on the internet to date.

      • These days, they know to not even name their movement, because it makes it harder to attack.

        Sounds like they learned well from the progressive left :D

        There's no such thing as 'woke'!

      • Wow that's a lot of text with a lot of opinion I don't really care for. I was more looking for a list but all I got was cuck, zionist, ethnostate, soros, and 1488. The rest is ideas and concepts and Dumas's conspiracy theories not vocaulary.

        Also imo its incredibly nieve to lump anyone who identifies with republican as an alt-right Nazi. That is literally the same generalisation group think blame game that Hitler used to blame and prosecute the Jews.

        I guess my only other question is why are the Palestinian protesters using at least 2 of these ideas/words?