Wise words from Batman
Wise words from Batman
Though I use GIMP
Wise words from Batman
Though I use GIMP
If anyone wants to learn to draw I recomend draw a box
I use it to fit drawing lessons into my schedule when I can
And also don't force yourself to do multiple lessons in one day if you don't enjoy it, take a break from the lessons if you aren't enjoying them anymore otherwise you'll burn yourself out pretty seriously
Looks cool
Krita is good for art but not photo editing in my personal opinion as someone who is slowly learning to draw art as part of my many hobbies
Gimp is more suitable for image editing though I haven't used it in a while because I just use pirated photoshop these days for photo editing
For someone who is new to gimp navigating it can be hard at first and the gui can be a bit cumbersome but as you learn the menus and use gimp those problems go away
Krita seems to be trying to bridge the gap to photo editing but it has a lot of catching up to do.
GIMP is...well it's Gimp. It will work, as well as Photoshop in most ways, you just have to get over that hurtle of learning to use it.
Go on...
I can crack the protection on photoshop and just pirate it; how do I kidnap people and crack them to be my friends in a similar manner?
Have you considered finding any open source friends?
Propriety friends are more likely to betray you or only be friends because you help complete their homework causing you to equate your intelligence to your self worth eventually leading to depression and an unhealthy fear of being cheated on even if you have never been in a relationship.
Disclaimer: I have no idea what an open source friend is since I don't have any
You find open source friends the same way you find open source software... through cool t-shirts.
Anything is possible with Stockholm syndrome!
What if they don't like Muse?
Drugs and a van.
No need for a van. You already had me with drugs.
Don't forget the puppy
brb gonna go photoshop some foxgirl tiddies with ma friends
... Can I see?
... No.
~ Principal Skinner, The Simpsons S7E21
I don't get the AI hate. Why is photoshop, a tool made by an evil corporation, so much better?
It's art without an artist. Or maybe rather more accurately it's huge amounts of other peoples art put through a blender and reconstituted into a solid block of art product. Actually, yeah, it's the equivalent of spam, the tinned meat product. It has its uses, but it doesn't taste good to most people, and there are a few die hard fans.
Doing image editing/compositing/art yourself is just more genuine. It doesn't have to be the adobe product, there's tons of editors and art programs out there. Stumbling through gimp patching and editing a meme together gives the end result some charm imo. YMMV, but that's how I see it and I think a lot of others do to. Where AI generated imagery shines is utilitarian areas. Generating tokens for npcs in ttrpgs, rapidly iterating through concepts for a design, that sort of thing.
I draw and use AI in the same way I'll Google an image to get what my nonvisual memory is asking to see. Once I see it, I'm good to draw it.
FWIW, DALL-E2 was much much better than DALL-E3 at this task. It was enough to satisfy your imagination without being good enough to really look like "art". It was mass produced "art".
Forget "Netflix and Chill", it's "Gimp and Friends" now
Or "Krita and a Cruller".
i read somewhere photoshop has or is getting AI features
Yes. 10 years go.
Posted from internet explorer
Bruce needs to learn about supressed sniper rifles.
Or bullpup shotguns!
Batman is the enemy.
You tell people to not use AI, and some may agree with you.
You tell companies to not use AI, they laugh at you and they keep make even big money thank to the added margin made by those poor fellow that aren't using AI... because they did listen to you.
AI is not something is gonna vanish, it's a tool... a whole new category of tools and instruments. Like the first electric musical instruments in times when the only way to have a sustained job in the music industry was to work in a orchestral band kept up by bigger institutions.
How many unplugged classical indie music artists do you know? Compare to the number of indie music artist that rely on electric musical instrument and beyond.
Photoshop has used various forms of AI for over a decade. You sound exactly like traditional artists when digital art was new lol
OP uses GIMP btw