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Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering

Zoraya ter Beek, who has chronic depression, anxiety, trauma and unspecified personality disorder, expected to end her life soon

Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering

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  • I feel like a lot of replies here have the same "every live is precious and needs to be protected at all costs"-vibe as you get with a lot of anti-abortion arguments.

    • You are casually ceding the "not wanting people to kill themselves" ground to the right while also allowing them to paint themselves as caring about human lives when in reality they just want to control women's bodies and protect fetuses, not people.

      "Every life is valuable" is obviously a left-wing stance because the left are the ones who actually care about people's lives, even when they're disabled, downtrodden, and painted as burdens on society.

      • Oh right wing def feel every life has value.

        Just less value then everybodies right not to be forced to pay for them.

        They are fairly open about the value of a states non right to force an indevidual to fund anothers life. Being more important then anything.

        That the value for all lives is based on either an indeviduals ability to self support. Or other indeviduals willingness to offer charity.

        It is forced charity usinging the states ability to use violence they consider a greater crime then any % of society not wanting to support the lives of those in need.

        Its not value or no value. But priority of those values that differs.

        IE states using its same power of violence to kill forign people who might disagree with the state. Can be argued with no worry about the value of those actions. They have no issue with not choosing to fund defence or the actual state ability to use violence to enforce its laws.

        Just the state taking money via potential force to provide life to US citizens in need.

        • Exactly. If we're talking about vibes, seeking to normalize suicide for people with disabilities gives me the same vibes as far-right eugenics stuff.

          • Ill say one thing. As some one with disabilities. While i have no desire myself. Heck my life will be short anyway.

            I do feel it is a right people should have.

            It just really requires a sound mind at the time of choice. And huge effort to ensure it is not a choice the paiteint is neing forced or guilted into making.

            As I cant really come up with an effective and garenteed way to enforce those restrictions.

            Im currently happy my natiin will not allow anyform of assisted suicide. It must be entirly at partients own control. And technocally even then its a crime. But one that xamt be punished. Where as an assistant will be jailed.

            But I can hope/wish for a world where people could choose to have suffering ended without so much risk of others pushing them into it for thier ow. Reasons.

            As I say its not a choice I would make. But my own health means it could be one I mY want amd need help to make in the future.

      • I have no clue why you're trying to push my argument into a political direction.

        • Is abortion not a political issue? What do you mean by that?

          • It is a political issue because people want it to be one. My comment was about the way the arguments sound, not about what political side says what.

            • Well, I was trying to push it in a political direction because I don't like my beliefs being compared to anti-abortionists based on vibes and appearances. It's necessary to engage more critically with the issue to demonstrate that any apparent similarities are just superficial.

              There is no objective division between political and non-political. This is a question about government policy on which people are divided, so to me it's inherently a political issue.

              • I don't know what to tell you. It seems to me like you're critical about assisted suicide but are pro choice when it comes to abortions.

                In my opinion those two things are different sides of the same coin. Regardless of politics.

                • I don't believe that they are different sides of the same coin. I see very little in common between the two.

                  From my perspective, it would be like saying opposition to war or the death penalty is just like being opposed to abortion, because anti-choice people claim to value life.

                  • Assisted suicide and abortions are tied to informed consent and aren't really something that can be done 'on a whim'. (Obviously abortions should be easier to get access to than assisted suicide)

                    Getting murdered nonconsenting (through war or the death penalty) is something completely different.

                    • There are valid reasons to restrict certain actions or substances even if someone gives informed consent. While bodily autonomy is a right, it isn't absolute to the point of outweighing all other rights and all practical considerations (no right is absolute). For any given right, whether it's bodily autonomy, free speech, etc, there are valid reasons why limitations may be placed on it, and it isn't valid to lump all of those reasons together with bullshit reasons people might want to restrict it. It would be like saying that people who don't want it to be legal to shout "fire" in a theater are just like people who want to ban criticism of the government.

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