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PSA: When people ask you "What distro should I use?", try pointing them here


I found this site a while back - basically it will ask you a bunch of questions on your usage of your PC, and will came out with a list of recommended distros, and a list of reasons why YOU could like or not like it.

There are some similar sites to this one, but since I'm not familiar with them, I won't post them. They are simply DuckDuckGo-able though.

  • I personally disagree. Distrochooser is a great tool for distrohoppers who want to experiment and see what's out there. it is a little less useful than DistroWatch's ranking list, but that requires more reading to figure out if something would be diving into the deep end.

    My recommendation is to either look at the top ranked beginners distro on distro watch, or to just recommend mint. Someone's first distro should above all else get out of the way. It should be as stable as possible, have as much hardware support as possible, and be as default as possible (less distro customizations of packages). Troubleshooting info must be captured in an easily indexible knowledge base (nothing is worse than searching for help with something and all you can find is a stack exchange post marked duplicate or a forum post with one reply that says "did you try googling?")

  • I'm using Windows as my daily driver due to prioritising gaming over everything else. But I also have a 8-year old laptop which is stuck with Win 7, and I've been wondering if I should just install Linux on it to try things out. In the past, I've only ever tried Linux for short times, never used Linux as my main OS or longer than a week.

    With this context, I've had the "which distro should I choose?" on my mind a few times. There's some obvious and some non-obvious issues with this questionnaire. I'll just go over my thoughts step by step:

    • "I want anonymous web browsing" and "distro which is supported by game publishers" can't be selected at the same time. Is this really true? I'm doubting my understanding of what "anonymous web browsing" actually means.
    • "I often need help from others" and "I have already used Linux for some purposes" can't both be selected. Why? The logic behind this is "You have used Linux at some point, so you can clearly solve some problems without asking anyone". Makes no sense, and/or the questionnaire's creator thinks that Linux is impossible for newcomers. I have used Linux in the past and I'm generally good in troubleshooting, but anyway.
    • "I want to use the default preset values in the installation assistant" is impossible to answer if I don't know which values are given as the default. My general answer would be "give me a default value for everything, but also let me change the things which I have an opinion about". An answer equal to this doesn't exist.
    • Pre-installed programs: this does feel like it lacks the answer of "let me choose what to install during installation of OS", but I guess I can just skip this question without answering since I don't care.
    • "There are many way to administrate a linux distribution" -> "I want to avoid systemd". I've never heard about systemd, and the explanation give on the page doesn't really help. For what reasons would I want to avoid it? My actual answer for this is "I really don't care", so I just skipped it.

    About the result of the questionnaire: I did answer that "I'm fine with paying something", but it's not really something I aim for. The suggestions seem to tag "There is a non-free version available" as a plus for the distros, which really isn't what I answered - there's a difference between "I'm fine with something" and "I want something".

    I also marked "supported by game publishers" with a star, because gaming is what I'm aiming to do on it. I have no idea if this even matters in practice, but it made sense as an answer when asked about. The smoothness of gaming experience will always be the primary reason for any choice of OS I'll make.

    The first EIGHT answers on the list have either "Programs versions may not be up-to-date enough for gaming" or "May require additional configuration for gaming" as a downside/warning. The game publisher question is the only answer which I marked as important.

    The first distro from the suggestions that included "supported by game publishers" is Linux Mint - which does match what I already had in mind, but I really feel like the ordering of the suggested distros feel off.

    Short "review" about this: it really didn't help much. The list of suggestions is practically full of equally good distros, and I'm still stuck with the question "which one of these should I choose?". I only learned about more distros that I had never heard about before.

    As for actually choosing the distro at some point later: I think that I'll just find out the top 5 most popular distros, and select from those. My reasoning for this is that it's much easier to find answers if/when I run into issues. Using a niche distro wouldn't really work for me - Linux isn't my hobby, I think OS is just a tool to run whatever programs/games I want to.

    But this questionnaire doesn't have any data about popularity, so for my usecase, it lacks some information. I feel like it could use an additional question about "Are you fine with using a niche distro, or do you want to use a popular one?" - this question does have the issue of not being objective though, as there's no clear answer of what can be counted as "popular".

    TL;DR good idea, but execution could be better.

  • At the end I got a list of 29 distros, this is terrible. A user who is willing to go through all pros and cons and is able to compare them doesn't need this website to choose a distro.

    • I think it gives everyone the same list of 29, but it’s the order that’s important. Gentoo came back as my top. I use Void which came back as 4th in my list.

  • "I prefer a distribution which is supported by game publishers." feels like it sets bad expectations considering it's just "do you want a stable Debian/Ubuntu distro?" and 'game publishers' might be a little out of date with their wording/justification

  • The intent's great, but I agree with the sentiment that if a beginner has to ask which distro is good for them, that questionnaire only cause them more trouble through choice paralysis.

    I answered it in the mindset I had when I was just first installing my first Linux daily-driver, and I‌ got a lot of results, with Linux Mint, Zorin OS and Elementary OS being the top three. Haven't really gone through the distro-hopping phase (nor do I think I'd have the patience to), but I'm intrigued with the other two. It also says something about me who uses Arch, btw, but "gravitating" towards Ubuntu-based distros (or at least, that's what the results seems to be telling me).

  • I recommend Kubuntu for people coming from Windows because a lot of the keyboard shortcuts are the same besides, the default behavior is more or less like Windows. And since it's based on Ubuntu, they're more likely to find answers to any issues that they run in because of it's popularity. After a while they can choose to move to a distro of their choice once they are comfortable.

    • This is why I recommend Mint with Cinnamon DE. Same reasons. It's always interesting to see someone come to a different conclusion with the same reasoning. 🙂

      • I've stopped giving a choice because invariably newcomers I turn onto Linux pick the distro with the default wallpaper they like the best. Even within "don't worry about distros, pick a DE" that's still meaningless advice to someone who has only seen Windows. If you want me to install Linux for you, you're getting Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition. Because it's what I use, and it's what I can help you with the easiest. I can find my way around KDE or xfce but I already know my way around Cinnamon.

      • Plus one for Linux Mint Cinnamon. Easily the best beginner distro, IMO. If you're technical enough to advance past Mint w/Cinnamon, you're probably technical enough to not need a service like the linked website.

        It's still nice to see tools like this coming out, though, as a show of support for newcomers to the ecosystem.

  • I have lately experienced a problem with my family. We have good computers, kind of bad computers and really bad and old computers. I can install a really cool distro on good computers, but not on the bad ones. I need a lighter DE on bad computers and a distro ready for old computers. But my family can't afford to learn how to use the 3 of them. So what is the solution here?

    I'm thinking about installing the same distribution on all of them so that they don't have to get used to a new one every time they jump from one to another computer. I think that will be antiX.

    • I always had great luck with Linux mint and LXDE personally.

      Did you use the link in this post yet?

      • @stevedidWHAT @iortega Your best bet is to use a distro that allows you to choose everything you install (at least your desktop experiences) so that you can install the lightest DE/WM you can. I would suggest something like CachyOS or Reborn, that have choosers and then choose something like openbox. Archcraft is also quite nice and light. I run it on an old machine and it runs beautifully.

    • How bad is really bad?

      AntiX is a good choice. Other option is a usb3 drive for each family member so everyone has their own portable AntiX on a stick.

      MX is the related project with a more standard install and could be worth a look, the Fluxbox option should be quite light.

      Each user could have a personal AntiX system on persistent usb3 and each system could have a bare metal MX Linux install. Just see what wins out via natural selection over time.

      LXQT is another option for a full desktop environment that will run on a potato. If family members are mainly just users and you are admin, the base OS may not matter much. They could switch between a potato running Alpine and a good system running Fedora and if they are just logging into LXQT to launch browser, office, email etc the internal system plumbing is not gonna concern them.

  • Well at least at the end of the questions the distro I use (Void) was somewhere near the top of the list (4th).