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It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result

  • "I would fight fascism to my last breath" "I would be part of the resistance movement if a fascist government took power"

    proceeds to do none of the un-sexy things needed to prevent fascism from taking hold in the first place

    • Exactly. They think being in a resistance is sexy, because they consume media that glorifies it. They dress it up and hide the realities while amplifying the parts that are heroic and good looking, and think that's what being in a resistance is like. Couple that with Main Character Syndrome and you've got a bunch of tankies who think they're going to kick ass at organizing a resistance and all be leaders when in fact most of them are going to do something stupid, get caught by the fascist regime, and die in a camp.

      • I think it's more likely they'd join the fascist regime and rationalize some reasons why that's the "revolutionary" thing to do.

        I doubt the tankies would be dying in a camp but only because they'd be the ones running the camps.

    • Fits the rest of their LARPing, honestly.

  • oh yeah the notoriously huge and election-swinging group in the us: the communists.

    don't delegate your problems.

    • yeah pretty sure communists haven't decided/altered the result of any state or federal election in the past 20 years at minimum. probably more like the past 60-80 years

  • Well, I doubt even now citizens of any former Soviet Republic can vote for Biden.