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steam-presence: A script that takes the game you're playing on steam and displays it on discord GitHub - JustTemmie/steam-presence: A script that takes the game you're playing on steam and displays it on discord

A script that takes the game you're playing on steam and displays it on discord - JustTemmie/steam-presence

GitHub - JustTemmie/steam-presence: A script that takes the game you're playing on steam and displays it on discord

I just found this cool utility a couple days ago and have found that it's a great solution to sandboxed versions of Discord being unable to provide rich presence. It's a Python script that queries the Steam web API to get info to forward to Discord's API. The "installer" sets up a systemd service that will auto-run the script for you.

It requires you to get your own Steam API key which was a trivial, though slightly buggy, process for me. You can optionally use your own Discord app ID, or just use the one owned by the guy that created this script.

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