Authoritarian is just a made-up word
Authoritarian is just a made-up word
Authoritarian is just a made-up word
"Reactionary is just a made-up word to justify lumping in non-MLs with fascists"
Getting confusing because MLs are reactionary
What the hell even is that word? Does that mean that you react to something? Because everyone does.
I'm seeing the word thrown around lately and it's one of the dumber reductionist labels I've seen in my lifetime.
did you get banned from Google or something? It's a common word in political science dating back to the French revolution, not some weird new invention.
I can't tell if everyone itt is being sarcastic or smth
what kind of a world are we living in where people can just make up words to describe whatever concept they want
Thanks Derrida
Could it be that people are opposed to secret police regardless of the colors on their flag? No, it must be a western psy-op.
The funny thing is that nothing shields you from a bad outcome. In the 50s, Czech Communist Party's "capital punishment recommendation guy" himself got executed.
Revolutions tend to devour their children.
All words are made up; that's what language is
“Counterrevolutionary” is a word devised in order to avoid saying “rules for thee by not for me”.
What if they forgot that communism can't be authoritarian nor a regime
Hannah Arendt worked for the CIA.
Lol, the first time I've ever been screencapped. A guy can't repost a factoid he read once and accepted non-critically without getting implicitly called a tankie around here.
A guy can’t repost a factoid he read once and accepted non-critically without getting implicitly called a tankie around here.
Hush, tankie