New place to post memes, same problem as the old place.
New place to post memes, same problem as the old place.
New place to post memes, same problem as the old place.
Post anyway, at worst they get down voted, at best people understand better than you guessed
This is not dndmemes, it's rpg memes. Memes for any game are fine!
Even in dndmemes rpg memes were allowed. The issue is more that the game memes can make no sense if the rules aren’t known for context…
You say that's a problem, but it just sounds like you can double up your meme with a greentext
Ha. Implying most people don't homebrew the shit out of things.
One of my games, the DM threw in a Spartan Laser. Two instances of "boy that looks scary, I'm gonna laser it!" later, and he was rethinking that decision.
Why would they need to make sense? That's clearly not a requirement here.