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Fodongo Issues 2 & 3

Hey, long time no see.

Since the last post there have been 2 more issues of Fodongo! And a new one is coming out next Monday.

Issue 2 has a horror comic by returning artist Zach Acherman, a delightfully cute instruction manual by Sharvari Shah, a battle for the ages by Amanda S. Rovaron, and the continuation of the adventures of the Magical Singing Frog, by myself!

Issue 2 is now available at the Internet Archive (so is Issue 1, by the way), but if you wanted to support the participating artists you can still purchase a digital copy on the site!

Issue 3 came out last month and has a comic about a writer by BurnedCoffee, a comic about airports by Federico Kempke, a comic about the role of parenthood by Sprak, and the conclusion (?) of the Magical Singing Frog's adventures by me!

Two of those comics are up on the site, and you can purchase the zine and support the artists if you want to as well. :)

Thanks for reading! Will post again soon!