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Can anyone recommend a lightweight, stable distro for a thinkpad?

I'm looking to mainly use it for school and was wondering if there's any recommended distros out there for thinkpads.

Its a Lenovo Thinkpad T480.

  • Any distro should be fairly stable and supported on an older Thinkpad.

    I’m currently using Debian stable on my X220 and it’s rock solid.

  • First you need to explain what you want by lightweight. RAM, Disk, GPU, Pre installed packages? Features?

  • Mint is always a good point to start when in doubt. Ubuntu is also solid and has lots of documents online.

  • Anything with either the Xfce or LXQt desktop environment would be good enough for you. I heard those are pretty lightweight.

    LXDE is kinda nice too.

  • Anything in the fedora stable will work great (redhat literally gave out T480s to their devs) I recommend whatever ublue variant floats your boat., atomic updates baby. If you're smart you'll get some PTM7950 and never need to repaste.