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The Citroen 2CV has always been quite controversial for what it is, what do you folks think of it?

  • You have to drive one to really know. It is laughably underpowered, acceleration is "glacial pace" at best.

    Then there's the seating position which is rather strange; the bench seat is low and the steering wheel high and rather flat. It feels like if you kneel down to pray at church, which you may as well be doing because braking power is ...on par with acceleration.

    BUT the looks are unique, the flip-up windows hilarious (when they inevitably fall down on your elbow), it has this unique sardine-can-opening roof, and with the removable rear bench seat has tons of cargo space. Said bench seat is super comfy, perfect for front porch.

    Also you can't roll them over in a turn, and believe me we tried.

  • Some notes for those unfamiliar with the 2CV: The manufacturer, Citroen, intended the 2CV to be as cheap as possible. It was introduced in 1948, in an era when cars were beginning to become more common and it was meant to serve the lowest end of the market, a car that everyone could afford.

    Many of the 2CV's shortcomings were ways to keep production costs low and it was pretty ingenious in that regard. It saw some revisions over its 40 years (!) of production, but the core idea remained the same: It should be affordable.

    When production ended in the late 80s, it was still selling relatively well, but new emission standards foreshadowed its obsolescence and the huge amount of manual labor that was required to produce it made it unprofitable for Citroen.