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Technology to Manage a New Society

I just finished listening to The Santiago Boys podcast about the attempts to use cybernetics to run the Chilean economy under Allende in the early 70s. It was very interesting and got me wondering what kinds of technology (hardware or software) that you have come across that you think would be good for managing resources/efforts and democratising society.

What tools do you think could empower people?

  • Well, I think tools that allow spontaneous organization are fantastic. The ability to encode an organizational structure would be great. You can formalize institutions and relationships and describe them completely, enable enforcement of any formal agreements automatically, I would love to see that.

    There's a problem with using technology to distribute resources though. It's mostly a network topology problem, but also an issue of processing power and lossy information channels. Think of every person as a node on a network doing computation constantly about the optimal distribution of resources. This is a self organizing distributed system, one in which no node knows more than it needs to about it's needs and resource availability, and makes no computation about the needs of other nodes. This is a system where the outcome, optimal distribution of resources, is an emergent property. An artificial system with a more centralized structure cannot be as efficient because 1) the route between nodes is inefficient because it must traverse the central node, 2) the processing power the central node needs to decide everything is at a minimum as high as all other nodes combined, and 3) the information available to it about needs and availability is noisy and missing important pieces; it is lossy. As a result of these problems, a system in which resource distribution is centrally controlled cannot outcompete a system in which the computation is distributed; essentially, described from a cybernetics viewpoint, a centrally planned economy cannot be more efficient than a market economy. So, designing systems to run an economy is infeasible, this set of problems cannot be overcome with any technology, the only way to do it would be to take humans out of the equation, and humans are the whole point of distributing resources in the first place.