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Hector Aubertin went on a cross-Canada roadtrip with his pet goat named Jimmy /radio/asithappens/jimmy-travelling-goat-1.7219713

Jimmy the goat was rejected by his mother, so Hector Aubertin stepped up and became his best friend [...] "Everywhere we go, people are doing double takes," Aubertin told As It Happens host Nil Köksal. "He's probably had his picture taken easily 100 times." [...] "After the first week or so, we formed a bond. I literally cannot go anywhere without him or he just starts blaa-ing. He wants to know where I am. He needs to be with me." [...] So when it came time to go on a long-planned road trip to Edmonton with his daughter to visit her sisters, Aubertin figured he had no choice but to bring Jimmy along for the ride. [...] "We go everywhere. We go to the stores. We go to Canadian Tire. I can get him to come to me, you know. I can get him to lay down if I need to. He listens very well," he said. "He's like a dog, but twice as fun and just a little bit harder to train." [...] "He is absolutely my best friend. We go everywhere together," Aubertin said. "He's done so much for me."