Wine 9.10 Released With Upgrade To VKD3D 1.12, Brings DPI Awareness Improvements
Wine 9.10 Released With Upgrade To VKD3D 1.12, Brings DPI Awareness Improvements
Wine 9.10 Released With Upgrade To VKD3D 1.12, Brings DPI Awareness Improvements
Link would be good
Here ya go
Blog :
Detailed release notes : Wine gitlab
I have an old Windows 2000 game that I plan to install on Wine and a 12 year old NVidia Graphic card. Half a year ago I strugle to get it run on #Lutris. I randomly activated and deactivated checkboxes, because nower was Manual with a proper description of the settings. I gave it up a some point. At least I resceived te Start screen without crash.
Are there any manuals how to choose settings for a game?
Protondb and Winedb both sometimes have steps. I personally use since it makes it easy to run OP runners
I'm so happy about the DPI awareness. I have 4k monitors and when I install something through wine, the installers are tiny
Looking forward to an upgraded crossover office along with it