I require assistance with fixing OKOD on a Linksys E8450
I require assistance with fixing OKOD on a Linksys E8450
Unfortunately, a Linksys E8450 of mine has succumbed to the OKOD (OpenWRT Kiss of Death) (in case you are unfamiliar). From what I understand, it should be recoverable from it's current effectively bricked state. I've tried going through the process, but I haven't had too much luck, and I'm somewhat stuck at the moment, so I would appreciate some guidance. There's two potential objectives that I am hoping to acheive: the first, and primary, objective is to simply recover the router from its currently bricked state so that it can be used like normal, and secondly, if possible, recover the data, and configuration that was on it.
I have tried following this guide, but I'm not sure what I am supposed to do at the end. I completed the last step, but the router still isn't able to boot on its own. If I run boot
from the U-Boot console, it appears to be able to boot into the OpenWRT CLI, but if I then reboot from that CLI, it shows the following error:
F0: 102B 0000 F6: 0000 0000 V0: 0000 0000 [0001] 00: 0000 0000 BP: 0400 0041 [0000] G0: 1190 0000 T0: 0000 02D7 [000F] Jump to BL NOTICE: BL2: v2.9(release):OpenWrt v2023-07-24-00ac6db3-2 (mt7622-snand-1ddr) NOTICE: BL2: Built : 21:45:35, Oct 9 2023 NOTICE: CPU: MT7622 NOTICE: WDT: [40000000] Software reset (reboot) NOTICE: SPI-NAND: FM35Q1GA (128MB) ERROR: BL2: Failed to load image id 3 (-2)
That same error is what shows when I watch the serial output of the router while it boots from the power switch.