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  • What's the ROI on ads anyway? I feel like ads are just a way to funnel money between corps. People who are forced to see ads are really not even the point anymore. This is like corporations subsidizing other corporations. Don't even matter that you buy that item being shown to you.

  • “I’m sorry ma'am but could you please remove your jacket from the seat? It’s obstructing the ads and we have a very clear policy about that”


    • They could come up with some bullshit like, obstructing your screen is interfering with the display of critical airplane safety information or something.

    • To begin the flight, please drink Mountain Dew Verification Can.

      Verification Can Invalid. Please drink Mountain Dew Verification Can.

      ERROR! Passenger attempting to steal Premium Ad-less Flying Option! Adding your name to the No Fly List and automatically deducting penalty fee from your credit card.

      ERROR! Credit Card Declined! Alerting TSA! Alerting FBI! Alerting Sky Marshals!

  • "oh no everyone has phones, nobody needs these shitty displays anymore should we remove them and replace them with a phone holder?"

    "I have a better idea..."

    • Don't forget your trusty a4 and duct tape to plane.

  • The Ad Algorithm

    It knows when you are sleeping It knows when you're awake It knows when you've been bad or good So consume for goodness sake

    Fuck this.

    • nodding off? time for a bright ad with super saturation and lots of brightness variability, they'll strobe you into paying attention.

      how much do you have to pay to turn the fucking thing off?

  • And for the low, low price of $4,99 you will get not one, not two but three ad blocking devices you can use to stop these ads from bothering you! Available in several cute patterns and colors. Get yours now, call now!

    (warning: do not wash these cloths above 105°F or there might be ad-spillage while using the ad blocker due to shrinkage)