what is the best way to learn C ? I know basic python but would like to learn C, I tried searching online but couldn't find a good resource that's good for a beginner like me. any suggestions ?
Might be a good way for someone who is familiar with a higher level language.
Than there is of course "The C Programming Language" by Ritchie and Kernighan and "advanced programming in the unix enviroment" by stevens and rago.
So, i'd guess just get your feet wet with small stuff. Find out how to take arguments from the command line, or read a file, maybe programm a simple guess the number game. After you are more familiar with the syntax and so on you could look into using your c code in a higher level language. For python you'd have to look into ctypes for that.
Ever since edX had their IPO, I hesitate to call it free. Each edX course is free for a limited time now and their prices are way too high if you aren't interested in a certificate and the certificates aren't worth much of anything in the employment market. They need a $50 option for no certificate and "unlimited" course access. But with shareholders, would they ever consider such a thing?