SearXNG Instance on NixOS
SearXNG Instance on NixOS
I've been trying to create a public instance of SearXNG by using NixOS, Cloudflare and Nginx, but I can't seem to make it open to the internet and I've ran out of ideas. Is there anything I'm overlooking?
services.searx = { enable = true; redisCreateLocally = true; limiterSettings = { real_ip = { x_for = 1; ipv4_prefix = 32; ipv6_prefix = 56; }; botdetection = { ip_limit = { filter_link_local = true; link_token = true; }; ip_lists = { pass_ip = [ "" "fe80::/10" ]; pass_searxng_org = true; }; }; }; runInUwsgi = true; uwsgiConfig = { socket = "/run/searx/searx.sock"; http = ":8888"; chmod-socket = "660"; disable-logging = true; }; settings = { general = { debug = false; instance_name = "SearXNG Instance"; donation_url = false; contact_url = false; enable_metrics = false; }; ui = { static_use_hash = true; theme_args.simple_style = "dark"; query_in_title = true; center_alignment = true; results_on_new_tab = false; }; search = { safe_search = 2; autocomplete_min = 2; autocomplete = "duckduckgo"; }; server = { port = 8888; bind_address = ""; secret_key = config.sops.secrets.searx.path; image_proxy = true; method = "GET"; default_locale = "en"; default_lang = "en-US"; base_url = ""; public_instance = true; }; engines = lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value: {inherit name;} // value) { "duckduckgo".disabled = false; "brave".disabled = true; }; outgoing = { request_timeout = 5.0; max_request_timeout = 15.0; pool_connections = 100; pool_maxsize = 15; enable_http2 = true; }; }; };
services.nginx = { enable = true; recommendedGzipSettings = true; recommendedOptimisation = true; recommendedProxySettings = true; recommendedTlsSettings = true; virtualHosts = { "" = { forceSSL = true; sslCertificate = config.sops.secrets."SSL-Certificates/Cloudflare/Cert".path; sslCertificateKey = config.sops.secrets."SSL-Certificates/Cloudflare/Key".path; locations = { "/" = { extraConfig = '' uwsgi_pass unix:${}; ''; }; }; }; }; };