Automated CI/CD Data Snapshots
Automated CI/CD Data Snapshots
Is there a feature in a CI/CD pipeline that creates a snapshot or backup of a service's data prior to running a deployment? The steps of a ideal workflow that I am searching for are similar to:
- CI tool identifies new version of service and creates a pull request
- Manually merge pull request
- CD tool identifies changes to Git repo
- CD tool creates data snapshot and/or data backup
- CD tool deploys update
- Issue with deployment identified that requires rollback
- Git repo reverted to prior commit and/or Git repo manually modified to prior version of service
- CD tool identifies the rolled back version
- (OPTIONAL) CD tool creates data snapshot and/or data backup
- CD tool reverts to snapshot taken prior to upgrade
- CD tool deploys service to prior version per the Git repo
- (OPTIONAL) CD tool prunes data snapshot and/or data backup based on provided parameters (eg - delete snapshots after _ days, only keep 3 most recently deployed snapshots, only keep snapshots for major version releases, only keep one snapshot for each latest major, minor, and patch version, etc.)