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  • Heed the content warnings in the video, this video is a difficult watch, but it's really good. Thought Slime: Can I learn to love my body?

    And you can't just say no, it's a systemic problem that could be solved with walkable cities, better public transportation, stretching breaks at work, eliminating or greatly reducing subsidies for corn and processed foods, and other stuff. We have to consider every step food takes from its source to the shelves, and all the reasons citizens aren't able to be more active or afford foods that could better support an active life.

    All things that are certainly achievable if we all take responsibility for community health instead of wailing on individuals.

  • Two things that can help depending on what kind of person you are:

    • eat what you want, but slowly cut back
    • eat when you want, but switch to healthier foods

    So in the first example, if you like eating burgers. Great! Don't stop. Just cut the soda out next time

    And in the second, if you like snacking while you watch Netflix. Great! Just swap to fermented vegetables instead of chips

    The important thing to focus on is progress. Every little bit helps, and every little bit is a win