Average pope during pride month
Average pope during pride month
Average pope during pride month
You do not under any circumstances have to hand it to him but that's a funny way to phrase your homophobia
It was Italian, too. It's a fun word to say out loud, it's really bouncy and flamboyant. Leave it to the Italians to have fun, silly-sounding words with the worst meanings
Shocking lack of traditional masculinity in cloistered city where a bunch of men in silk robes and jewelry all live together
Yeah this sent me on a spiral of "dude everything about your organization is so gay".
The Pope
11 Year Olds In a Call Of Duty Lobbythe f-slur
Leave it to the pope to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia
Pope continues to be catholic. I'm shocked
Wooooaaaah the chief kiddy diddler has some choice words woooaaah im so scared of somr crusty pants-shitting moron in a stupid hat
Who’da thunk being the one career path, in an otherwise hyper patriarchal/heteronormative society for most of the last few millennia, where a man isn’t expected to get married and spit out babies would lead to some dick sucking?