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  • No.

    If you're talking about desktops, there is a huge cost involved in switching to an entirely new operating system. I'm not just talking about "How do you get it installed and configured on n laptops for users to then use?" Those users will require training in order to use it - and allllll of the new and different applications that run on that new operating system. (Users are mainly just button pressers, and when you change the buttons ...) The alternative to the above would simply be to disable Recall via group policy. Done and done.

    If you're talking about migrating Active Directory to some Linux LDAP centralized authentication, that's going to introduce a whole lot of other complications. Not impossible, no, but it would be a very long, time-consuming, and costly process.

    If you're talking about servers, you surely know that lots of companies run Linux servers on the back end. When you're using Windows servers, there's a reason. You want/need to use MS SQL, or Exchange on premise, or SharePoint on premise, for example. Are there other mail servers, database servers, collaboration servers? Sure - but again, switching from an existing platform to a different platform is costly.

    These transition costs get exponentially higher when you consider whether companies actually have the in-house expertise to be able to pull off such a thing (Narrator: They don't.)

    • Active directory is just a LDAP server for the most part. You can join Linux clients to it without issue.

  • Nope. They don't care about privacy, as long as there's no lawsuit.

  • I have not the slightest idea why companies use Red Hat. When people think this is how Linux is, no wonder they think Linux sucks.

    I have to use Red Hat and I cannot stop thinking about how much more professional Debian appears to me. They can at least make decent packages that work properly.