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Israeli authorities, Palestinian armed groups are responsible for war crimes, other grave violations of international law, UN Inquiry finds

I have no problem vocalizing my views in comments but I don't usually post this kind of content. These UN findings are important to share though.

If Israel killed many of their own citizens and it is true that they invoked the Hannibal Directive, I hope more people will start to look beyond October 7th as a justification and really inspect all the "micro-lies" Israel gets away with.

In relation to Israeli military operations and attacks in Gaza, the Commission found that Israeli authorities are responsible for the war crimes of starvation as a method of warfare, murder or wilful killing, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects, forcible transfer, sexual violence, torture and inhuman or cruel treatment, arbitrary detention and outrages upon personal dignity.

The Commission found that the crimes against humanity of extermination, gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys, murder, forcible transfer, and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment were also committed.

The immense numbers of civilian casualties in Gaza and widespread destruction of civilian objects and infrastructure were the inevitable result of a strategy undertaken with intent to cause maximum damage, disregarding the principles of distinction, proportionality and adequate precautions. The intentional use of heavy weapons with large destructive capacity in densely populated areas constitutes an intentional and direct attack on the civilian population.

The report found that statements made by Israeli officials โ€“ including those reflecting the policy of inflicting widespread destruction and killing large numbers of civilians โ€“ amounted to incitement and may constitute other serious international crimes. Direct and public incitement to genocide is a crime under international law whenever perpetrated, even by persons with no direct authority for the conduct of the hostilities. Incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence is a serious violation of international human rights law and may amount to an international crime.

Pretty gross behavior from the "most morale army." Pathetic.

This was just an excerpt, you should read the whole article and report and judge for yourself. Although less extreme (but still awful), there is a section on the findings on Hamas as well. But I find it more prudent to highlight the atrocities of the state that is being internationally supported and defended with substantially more casualties.

I've noticed the propaganda on reddit and other SoMe is ramping up, so try to be critical when engaging. โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ‰