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[Other] Lying To Your Therapist Is Being Superseded By Telling The Truth To Generative AI Lying To Your Therapist Is Being Superseded By Telling The Truth To Generative AI

Surprisingly, people often lie to their therapist. The question now is whether people will lie or actually be bluntly truthful when using generative AI for mental health.

Lying To Your Therapist Is Being Superseded By Telling The Truth To Generative AI

People often lie to their therapists, with one study finding that 93% of respondents had lied to their therapist. Researchers have identified various reasons for this dishonesty, including fear of judgment, embarrassment, and attachment style. In contrast, some studies suggest that people may be more truthful when interacting with generative AI systems for mental health advice, possibly due to anonymity and the lack of perceived judgment. However, it's unclear whether this is consistently the case, and more research is needed to understand the dynamics of honesty and deception in human-AI interactions, particularly in the context of mental health support.

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