Austria to ‘Super-Speeders’: We’re Taking Your Car
Austria to ‘Super-Speeders’: We’re Taking Your Car
Austria to ‘Super-Speeders’: We’re Taking Your Car
Austrian here: some cars were already taken away, but mostly just temporarily. Also the car won't be gone at the first offence, only if you are caught multiple times.
So losing your car won't happen "by accident". To lose your car, you have to drive much too fast (something like this is done deliberately) multiple times (then your are an idiot who shouldn't drive).
I dont pity anyone who lost his/her car. They are idiots, which shouldn't share a road with others.
isnt the comment about the US true of pretty much any issue?
Compared to Europe, the US response toward
has been more laissez-faire.
Unions are more heavily regulated for one.
Fuck. I wish Germany would do that. But we can't even get a speed limit, even though everyone wants it save for the automobil industry.