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Lana tries cocaine.

I'm doing some testing to see what the best format / upload site is.

Original: .gif file, 823KB
Auto-converted by Lemmy to: .mp4, 138KB


Thumbnail? no, Loads in post? yes, Loop? no
Thumbnail? no, Loads in post? no, Loop? no
Thumbnail? no, Loads in post? yes, Loop? no


Thumbnail? no, Loads in post? no, Loop? yes
Thumbnail? no, Loads in post? yes, Loop? yes
Thumbnail? no, Loads in post? yes (for 1 loop), Loop? yes (when loaded separately)
Thumbnail? no, Loads in post? yes, Loop? yes
Thumbnail? no, Loads in post? no, Loop? no (have to load in a browser)

I don't have access to every front-end and mobile app available. Please share your experiences with whatever it is you use. Thanks.

  • Thumbnails are pretty much always going to be a "no" for mp4 since lemmy backend doesn't generate a thumbnail image or provide the thumbnail_url attribute in the post for them. A lot of it has to do with how pict-rs is configured and what format it gets converted into. I believe .webm will generate a thumbnail or at least, but the admins would have to configure pict-rs to use webm.

    Loop is going to be client-specific since you have to add that to the video element.

    • Thank you for the info. I've been wading through pict-rs trying to figure out what it does, but the only thing I really learnt was that it's very configurable. I'm trying .webp next, but yeah, the last time I saw a .webm uploaded, it wasn't playing at all.