GoW Ragnarok Valkyrie
GoW Ragnarok Valkyrie
GoW Ragnarok Valkyrie
So for the last 20 hours you have made 7878.3 attempts per second? Maybe invest a bit more time into one big attempt
Logic always beats me...
The animation when the Valkyries drag you across the floor.. chefs kiss. Have yet to defeat one myself. Tough characters!
Orphan of Kos. I started fighting that boss in 2016. I beat it 2020. I think i had 100 hours in that damn arena. I haven't touched bloodborne since.
In case anyone needs to see why sometimes you should give up.
My last race on Burnout: Paradise to get the Elite version of the Burnout license. I'm still going!
Good luck. I remember doing this. It took me forever but the license looks so good
I've tried about 100 times on the WTR Burning Route. It's so hard! I still haven't beaten it. Only have 1 minute but it's taking me at least 1 minute and 5 seconds on the times that I don't crash.
So 1 attempt every 0.0001269305 seconds, impressive.
Rapid Glass Cannon
The valkyrie wasn't the sticking point in Ragnarok, if you can beat the queen in the original you can beat this one too.
It was that final Berserker King. He's just got such a ridiculous number of moves he can do and you have to be prepared for.
So satisfying when you finally kick his teeth in, although I came perilously close to turning the difficulty down.
I completely disagree.
The original Queen and the King are basically the same challenge. Both of them require you to go through a gauntlet of fights to get to the end. Their underlings all have their own unique style themselves but each piece of them is added to the Queen or King as a whole. By the time you start to fight them, you already know 90-95% of their moves. They have a lot of moves but you've experienced them and have some training.
Then there's the Ragnarok Valkyrie who shows up out of nowhere with moves you've never seen anywhere else in game. Moves that move psychotically fast and are terrific in their brutality.
It took me 4 attempts to kill the king.
It took me 20+ to get the valkyrie.
I fought him so many times I practically memorized everything he can do and how to spot it. It's a great fight because he's essentially all the previous berserkers in one. Tye Valkyrie queen defeated me though. I did everything you can do in the game besides beating her.
I disagree. I wasn't able to beat them in the original, but I was able to beat them in Ragnarok.
those damn secret lvl100 JRPG bosses
Elden ring in a nutshell
Please don’t tell me that, I finally beat Sekiro shadows die twice after like two years of trying and now I got Elden ring lined up and I’m not sure I want to start it. Ugh.
Imo Sekiro is harder. Eden Ring, while quite difficult at times, feels much more forgiving to me. Really I think there are only a handful of bosses in ER that really fucked me up.
I surprisingly had little issue with the GoW ragnarok valkyrie (i think 3 attempts?), solely because she had a similar kit to the valkyrie boss in GoW, and she took me far too long to beat (took me at least 6 hours).
I actually got some use out of that prior fight!
That was me in the last fight in Fallen Order. Then I went to bed and stomped her on the first try the next day.
Me trying to beat Minos Prime
Armored Core 6 in a nutshell